Best chrome tab suspender
Best chrome tab suspender

We also have another new feature that allows caching all tab resources locally which works nicely with tab discarding when you're offline. When the tab gets reactivated we go back to the network and load it like normal. The current mechanism is similar to how we tackle tab discarding on ChromeOS. Form content, scroll position and so on are saved and restored the same way they would be during forward/backward tab navigation.

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If you navigate back to a tab that's been discarded, it'll reload when clicked. We kill it but it's still visible on the Chrome tab strip. What do we mean by discarding? Well, a discarded tab doesn't go anywhere. Tab discarding allows Chrome to automatically discard tabs that aren't of great interest to you when it's detected that system memory is running pretty low. That's where tab discarding can help reduce our memory usage. If I look at what tabs are consuming my system memory in the Chrome Task Manager, I'm really just 'using' one or two of the sites below whilst the other tabs in the background are unused. One of our goals is to reduce the memory used on tabs you're not actually using. This can get a little unwieldy over time. If you've got 10 tabs open there's at least 450MB of memory being spent just to keep your background tab state. # Backgroundįor every tab you have open our renderer process usually takes around 50MB per tab, even though most people use just a single tab at a time.

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Tab discarding is available as an experiment in Chrome 46 and above. One of our next experiments in memory use is aimed at tab hoarders (like myself). We've already seen up to a 45% reduction in GMail's memory usage thanks to improvements in V8's garbage collection process but we're really just getting started. Reducing Chrome's memory footprint is one of the team's top priorities this year.

Best chrome tab suspender